Friday, August 1, 2008

I Think I Get It Now

So I have to admit that all of this talk about Ronald Reagan lately was a little over my head. It seemed to come out of the blue a little, and I was wondering if I missed something. I knew he was a good president, and I've heard my dad and others say things about the "good old days with Reagan," but I didn't really understand a lot of the almost "Reagan worship" if you will that has been in the media lately among conservatives (we've been in the car a lot this month - Sean Hannity, Rush, Glenn Beck). I think I'll read up on Reagan a little more and try to understand it since it looks as if he is a bit of an iconic figure for conservatives, and that seems kind of important. So anyway, I got this link in my e-mail the other day, and I think I get it now. How inspiring. This is exactly what we need. Check it out: