It's been a while since I've posted, and I want to update everyone on just how our family is doing. First of all, I am doing MUCH better. The two and a half weeks of bed rest were ROUGH to put it mildly, but thanks to amazing friends and family, WE MADE IT, and it is thankfully behind us FOREVER. Dave and I have been completely overwhelmed by the kindness and generosity of people all around us. We could not believe how many people cared enough to call, stop by for a visit, send a card, e-mail or Facebook a message, make us yummy treats, send a gift, take restless kids for hours on end (or days at a time), help out with laundry, come over after getting their own kids ready for school and get my kids ready and off to school, take over my carpool responsibilities, bring books and magazines and movies to keep me entertained, bring flowers, stop by the store for groceries, bring us dinner, be my resident nurse, do laundry and cleaning, help out with both of our church callings, make us cookies and cake, do homework with my kids, take care of piano and scouts for my kids, drive me to doctor's appointments, bring ice cream and chocolate, and just check in with us over and over and over again to see if we needed anything or to let us know that you cared. I am of course bawling as I sit here typing this. We are surrounded by some truly amazing people, and we are so grateful. As goofy as it sounds, we could not have done it without you, your strength and help and prayers carried us through. Thank you.
Six weeks after surgery, I am feeling better than I have felt in years in a lot of ways. My body is healing and is just about back to normal. My doctor is happy with how everything is going and says I'm healing up very well. The actual recovery time for the procedures I had is six to nine months for complete recovery, and there's a few things slowing me down a bit, but for the most part, I'm feeling really good. Even the unbelievable tiredness is almost completely gone. Only five and a half more weeks until I can get back on my bike ... but who's counting?!!
Those first several weeks were so difficult. The ability to have surgery and have the body repaired is an amazing thing, and I'm so grateful for it, but it involves some serious pain and side-effects. It just simply takes a while for your body to figure things out after being messed with THAT much. And as you all very well know, patience is really not my thing. Being in bed for that long is so miserable. Hearing my family and my life go on without me outside my bedroom door was really hard on me. Not having control over really anything was probably good for me but hard to let happen. Feeling so tired and groggy and sore was frustrating. I hated feeling like I couldn't take care of myself or my family. But all of this was such a small moment compared to the rest of my life, and it feels great to look back and see that it is behind me, behind all of us. I'm grateful for my health and my strength. I'm grateful to be feeling better in time for SPRING! Being in bed during the miserable cold March we had is a whole different story than being down when the weather is actually NICE out and the sun is shining. I'm grateful for modern medicine and technology and a capable, competent, caring doctor.
Most of all, I'm grateful for my family. I'm grateful I was able to bring four beautiful amazing children into this world before that ability slipped away. I'm grateful to be their mom in spite of all my body had to go through to make it happen. I'm grateful for a patient and loving husband who has stood by my side through countless hours of sickness and pain and recovery time in our nearly 14 years of marriage. I'm grateful to be surrounded by amazing people and to know that I am loved.
Summer Reading - Book Reviews
5 years ago
Glad you're back.
Did you gain weight?
{inside joke everyone....settle down....settle.....}
Glad to hear you are doing much better. I know how you feel even though my surgery wasn't near as bad as your was. Being on bed rest for a week was long enough for me. Surgery is a wonderful thing but the recovery does take its toll but I would rather be fixed than not.
I am so happy you are feeling better!!!! You are such an amazing person....I think the world of you!! Thank you so much for being my friend!!!
I'm so glad to hear you're doing so much better. I'm excited for 5 1/2 weeks for you!! I have 3 till I can start workin out!!! AHHHH! YOu were so sweet about your family. Isn't it great to have an amazing husband that stands by your side?? I've had a way tough recovery as well.. :( One thing after another.. ugh. but I'm making it. I can do it one step at a time. I just love ya tons, so glad we're friends. :)
So glad you're doing well!! I can't imagine you not being able to be up and out-and-about and going and doing, so I'm sure you're happy to get back to all that fun stuff! You're awesome!
Glad your feeling better but REALLY I think 5-6 weeks for the bike is just too soon......
Just kidding (mostly)
I'm just glad that not only your body is better but also your attitude. J/k!! Really, I'm glad that everything is going better. We missed you and I am so glad to have you back!
Yea!!! I'm so glad you are feeling better. Are you up for a night out? Let's plan something soon. Are you really getting back on the bike that soon?!? You are amazing. Love ya!
You are amazing. And I have to ask forgiveness to whomever "Aaron" is for all the of rotten things I just said about him before I got the part about the inside joke. Glad to hear you're up and about again. Your post is so sweet.
I'm thankful everything went well and that you're doing so much better. Isn't modern medicine a miracle?!? I'm amazed at what they are able to do with bodies that aren't doing what we want them to mine :)
You're awesome and I'm glad that you're up and moving because visiting teaching isn't the same without you! :)
I'm so glad you are feeling better. Thinking of you. . .
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