Monday, February 7, 2011


For those of you under the impression that Dave is the patient and tolerant one in this relationship .... I present to you "Exhibit A." A life size (6'2") pieced-together, newsprint, taped-to-my-front-entry-wall, scares-me-every-time-I-walk-around-the corner cutout of Jimmer Fredette. Really?!!


Rheanna said...

Funny...yet more than just a little disturbing!

Jobi Niu said...

HAHAHHAHAHAH LOL!!! LOOOOVE it! GO JIMMER... He is SO money! My lil brother Jaxon got his autograph a few weeks ago. :]

Catey said...

Ha! You definitely win the patience award. So can I come to your house and take a picture with Jimmer? :P

Tiffany said...


Aaron said...

David is still the patient one.....really. This isn't in question.

Aaron said...

just sayin.....


Bethany said...

haHaHA! Between that, and the cinnamon huffing, you totally win the patience award! :)

mandy said...

i'm sure you guys have seen this by know but it cracked me up...

JBarker said...

SWEET! A life-size picture of Jimmer FTW!!! It looks like your house got Jimmered.

Where did he get it?

Marion said...

I've already seen this yet it made me laugh AGAIN. Oh Dave. Will we ever rid him of this fascination for BYU sports???? I think that's a challenge I just might take on.

Coretta from Confetti said...

Why? why would anyone do that? why?

Kati said...

I would probably scream every time I walked around the corner and saw this.

But hey, it could be worse. He could be one of those basketball players that is like 6' 10. Lucky for you he's only 6'2. That even rhymed...

Ruth Done said...

I had dreams of Jimmer all night long. Him and his freaky eyes that followed me around all night. I hate it when guys don't get the clue that I'm sooooo not interested! I may be hot, but I'm a married woman! Seriously Freaky!